Unable to find mistakes in your code? Here are 6 tips for effective debugging

No matter how careful you are, you can rarely write a program that has no bugs. Even the most experienced programmers make mistakes or encounter unexpected issues in their code.

Debugging is the process of finding and fixing errors in your code. It is something which is usually not taught while learning to code. Most people learn it at work. Only a few are lucky to have a mentor to guide them through the process.

Before you start debugging, here are a few things you should keep in mind -

  • Remember, computers are logical and there is always a logical explanation for the issue at hand, even if it may seem impossible to find at the moment.

  • Being stuck is only temporary, with persistence and effort, the issue will be eventually resolved.

  • It's important to know your limits and when to seek help from others who may have more expertise.

  • It's always not necessary to spend a significant amount of time resolving every bug. We should prioritise bugs based on potential impact and severity. You should be ready to accept the fact that some bugs are not worth the effort.

Debugging demands discipline, and it's easy to get off course and waste valuable time. Here are 6 tips that will help you in the process -

  • Gather all relevant information associated with the bug. The goal is to obtain as much information as possible to help you reproduce the problem.

  • Use the print statements liberally. They can help construct a timeline of what happened and determine the events we expected to happen in the code actually line up with the print statements.

  • If there is a specific error, retrace the code from the line when the error occurred all the way up the call stack.

  • Take a break. Sometimes stepping away from the problem and coming back with a fresh mind can provide new insights. Sleep on it, get some exercise or engage in some other activities to clear your mind.

  • Use the rubber duck technique. Sometimes talking about a problem loud can give you the "light bulb" moment. For others, writing out the problem or emailing an imaginary mentor can help generate new ideas and perspectives.

  • Get help and don't hesitate to collaborate with someone else on the problem. A fresh set of eyes or different perspectives can often help reveal new solutions.

Feel free to use it in any order. There is no right or wrong way to debug.

Debugging can be tough, but with the right mindset and strategy, you can always resolve it.

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