JavaScript Closures: What They Are and Why You Need Them

Closures might be confusing at first, but it's important to understand them well to use them effectively. You might require a few re-reads to get things cleared.

Before we begin, it's important to understand that JavaScript uses lexical scoping. This means that functions use the variable scope that was in effect when they were defined, not the scope when they are called.

In order to implement lexical scoping, the internal state of a JavaScript function must remember not only the code of the function but also the scope in which the function definition appears.

This combination of a function code and a scope in which the function’s variables are resolved is called a closure.

Technically, all JavaScript functions are closures, but often it doesn't really matter since most functions are called from the same scope they were defined in.

Closures become interesting when they are invoked from a different scope than the one they were defined in. This happens most commonly when a nested function object is returned from the function within which it was defined.

The first step to understanding closures is to review the lexical scoping rules for nested functions. Consider the following code:

let greet = "Hello"; // A global variable

function greetUser() {
  let greet = "Hi"; // A local variable

  function f() {
    return greet; // Return the value in greet here

  return f();

greetUser(); // Hi

The greetUser() function declares a local variable and then defines and invokes a function that returns the value of that variable.

The internal function f() can access the variables of the outer function.

Let’s change the code just slightly. Can you tell what this code will return?

let greet = "Hello"; // A global variable

function greetUser() {
  let greet = "Hi"; // A local variable

  function f() {
    return greet; // Return the value in greet here

  return f;

let s = greetUser()(); // What does this return?

In this code, instead of invoking the nested function and returning its result, greetUser() now just returns the nested function object itself.

What happens when we invoke that nested function (with the second pair of parentheses in the last line of code) outside of the function in which it was defined?

Remember the fundamental rule of lexical scoping: JavaScript functions are executed using the scope they were defined in.

The nested function f() was defined in a scope where the variable greet was bound to the value "Hi". That binding is still in effect when f is executed, no matter where it is executed from.

So the last line of the preceding code example returns “Hi”, not “Hello”.

This, in a nutshell, is the powerful nature of closures: they capture the local variable (and parameter) of the outer function within which they are defined.

Why Do You Need Them?

Closures capture the local variables of a single function invocation and can use those variables as private states.

To better understand how we use variables as private states, let's consider this example.

let incrementCounter = (function () {
  // Define and invoke
  let counter = 0; // Private state of function below
  return function () {
    counter = counter + 1;
    return counter;

incrementCounter(); // => 1
incrementCounter(); // => 2

In order to understand this code, you have to read it carefully.

The code defines and invokes a function, so it is the return value of the function that is being assigned to incrementCounter.

Now, if we study the body of the function, we see that its return value is another function. It is this nested function object that gets assigned to incrementCounter.

The nested function has access to the variables in its scope and can use the counter variable defined in the outer function.

Once that outer function returns, no other code can see the counter variable: the inner function has exclusive access to it.

Private variables like counter need not be exclusive to a single closure: it is perfectly possible for two or more nested functions to be defined within the same outer function and share the same scope.

function incrementCounter() {
  let counter = 0;
  return {
    count: function () {
      counter = counter + 1;
      return counter;
    reset: function () {
      counter = 0;

let c = counter();
c.count(); // 1
c.reset(); // 0 => reset() and count() methods share state
c.count(); // 1

The incrementCounter() function returns an object. This object has two methods: count() returns the next integer, and reset() resets the internal state.

Both count() and reset() share the same counter variable.’

Another important point to keep in mind is that arrow functions inherit the this value of the function that surrounds them. However, functions defined using the function keyword do not inherit the this value in the same way.

Therefore, if you're creating a closure that needs to use the this value from its surrounding function, it's advisable to use an arrow function within the closure before returning it. Alternatively, you can assign the outer this value to a variable that your closure will inherit.

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