Does JavaScript Support Dictionaries?

Yes, JavaScript supports dictionaries, and you can use the Map to implement them effectively.

While Object was historically used to implement dictionaries due to their ability to associate keys with values, Map offer several advantages over Object when used as dictionaries:

  • Accidental Keys: A Map starts empty and only contains explicitly added key-value pairs. In contrast, Object have a prototype chain, potentially leading to accidental key collisions with inherited properties.

  • Security: Map provide a safer option for handling user-provided keys and values, as they don't risk prototype pollution. Object may allow attackers to override prototypes, leading to security vulnerabilities.

  • Key Types: Map accept any value as a key, including functions, objects, or primitives, while Object only allow strings or symbols as keys.

  • Key Order: Map keys maintain the order of insertion, ensuring straightforward iteration. Though Object keys have become ordered in recent JavaScript versions, it's still best practice not to rely on this behavior due to historical inconsistencies.

  • Size: The number of items in a Map can be directly retrieved using its size property, while determining the size of an Object requires more complex and less efficient methods, such as the length of the array returned from Object.keys().

  • Iteration: Map are iterable, meaning you can easily loop over their entries, keys, or values using standard JavaScript iteration methods. Object, on the other hand, don't natively support iteration, requiring workarounds like extracting keys with Object.keys().

By using Map instead of Object, you can build dictionaries in JavaScript that are more secure and efficient.

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