What's the Preferred Method for Sorting in JavaScript: toSorted() or sort()?

The Array.toSorted() method makes a new sorted copy of an array without changing the original. It's useful when you want to keep the original array as it is or if you need different sorted versions of the same array.

On the other hand, the Array.sort() method rearranges the elements of the array itself. This means it modifies the original array directly. Be careful with this method, especially in shared situations where other parts of the program might be expecting the original order.

Sorting an array "in place" (using Array.sort()) can be faster for large arrays, but you might not notice the difference unless you're dealing with thousands of elements or more.

Ultimately, the choice between toSorted() and sort() depends on your specific situation. If the code doesn't expect the original array to change, use toSorted() to create a sorted copy and keep the original intact. If the code can handle changes to the array or if modifying the array is the purpose, then sort() is usually better.

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