Progress Seems Very Slow While Learning JavaScript? Here Are Ways to Improve the Situation.

There are several times when you may feel as though you are not seeing the progress of learning Javascript as you want to.

This emotion can lead to feelings of self-doubt and frustration. While these feelings are reasonable, there are a few healthier ways of dealing with them.

1. Be Realistic About Your Goals

One really big reason for feeling your progress is slow is having unrealistic expectations. When your expectations don’t match up with reality you feel discouraged.

If you’re jumping into learning JavaScript, thinking that you will go from complete newbie to professional developer in 6 weeks or 12 weeks, you may be setting yourself up for failure.

I’m not saying that it’s impossible to land a job after learning for a couple of months, but it’s really, really hard.

I think it may take you more than a year to get good enough at JavaScript to apply for and land jobs.

Of course, a lot depends on your circumstances. If you are working part or full-time, or you have children, you will have less time than someone who is in high school or doesn’t have to work at the moment.

It also depends on how fast you learn, and pick up new concepts. This is simply something that varies from person to person.

Ultimately, just know that everyone moves at their own pace. Don’t set up yourself for failure by having unrealistic expectations.

2. Choose Consistency Over Speed

When you're just starting, there might be a temptation to rush into things and spend a lot of hours each day dedicated to studying and practicing JavaScript.

However, if you don't see much progress despite investing many hours, it can lead to a feeling of slow progress.

You’ll be more likely to make better progress if you figure out how much time you can realistically and sustainably spend each day or each week studying JavaScript. Then stick to that.

Even if it’s only 30 minutes per day, if you do this for seven days a week, you’ll have studied for 3.5 hours that week. In one month that would be about 14 hours, and in one year, almost 200 hours!

Even small efforts, when combined with consistency, can lead to big accomplishments.

Take brushing and flossing your teeth, for instance. You might spend 4-5 minutes per day on brushing and flossing. A tiny amount of time! But doing that every single day means the difference between having great teeth, and having no teeth.

This is why consistency is more important than trying to go as fast as you possibly can.

3. Avoid Burnout and Get Rest

Overworking yourself is a pretty common temptation when you are feeling that your progress is slow.

While this plan may work in the short term, it’s really not good for you in the long term.

In my own experience, I’ve been working nearly full-time hours doing a job, and then working on this website in my spare time.

There was a point I hit where I would work a full day, then work till late to write a tutorial or article.

I remember one weekend when I had spent all day and night working on the website, and by Sunday evening, I felt simply exhausted. Knowing that I would have a full day of work the next day was discouraging.

I realized then that I had probably burnt myself out. And I really needed to make time to rest and rejuvenate myself.

So one day that week when I didn’t have any projects due, I just lay on the couch and read a book for most of the day. It was glorious.

At the end of the day, I felt so wonderfully rested!

In your pursuit of learning JavaScript, make sure that you carve out time to not just work, but to rest, if possible. It’ll help you in your progress in the long term.

4. Find a Community of Peers

Being part of a community can really help with that feeling that your progress is slow.

Reading about other people with similar experiences, who may be struggling with the same issues that you are, can be hugely encouraging and motivating.

Here are a few suggestions for places where you can find peers and/or mentors for JS:

  • Instagram: There are a lot of developers on Instagram, of every skill level. While it’s not exactly the place to ask for help on coding questions, it’s an amazing place where you can see what other coders are working on or struggling with. I’ve personally really liked it because I feel like I’m part of a greater community of coders worldwide.

  • FreeCodeCamp: It’s not only an online full-stack bootcamp, but also has a very helpful message board and Facebook groups that can help out their students.

  • r/learnjavascript: A vibrant subreddit for JavaScript developers where you can find discussions, and articles, and get support for your questions.

5. Don't Compare Yourself to Others

Do not compare yourself to other developers.

You start feeling down if you see someone talking about learning or doing things that you don’t have experience in, or feeling jealous if someone seems to be ahead of you, you may end up just feeling discouraged.

Everyone has a different situation and progresses at different speeds.

Some people will have more time than you or maybe faster at learning certain things than you are. Others will have less time or learn slower than you.

No one is better than another person. Ultimately how fast or slow other people are (or seem to be) doesn’t have any direct effect on you.

Although it may be difficult, don’t worry about someone else’s journey, just worry about your own.



10 Tips to Stay Motivated While Learning JavaScript

  • You've decided to learn JavaScript.
  • You quickly sign up for the Odin Project or register at FreeCodeCamp.
  • You sit down and start going through the material.
  • Over the next few weeks, you fall into a pattern of studying.
  • You start getting confused by some of the concepts, and there isn't anyone to ask for help.
  • After a few months, you realize you aren't anywhere near landing a new job.
  • You decide to take a break because you're feeling burned out and exhausted.
  • That break stretches on indefinitely.

Sounds familiar?

When you're learning to code by yourself, you have to generate your own motivation.

These 10 tips will change your life.