Safe Alternatives to innerHTML

A safer alternative is to use the DOM manipulation methods provided by JavaScript. Here are some alternatives to innerHTML:

1. createElement and appendChild

Create a new HTML element using document.createElement and set its content. Append the new element to an existing element using appendChild.

// Create a new element
const newElement = document.createElement("div");

// Set its content
newElement.textContent = "Your content here";

// Append it to an existing element

2. innerText or textContent

Set the text content of an element using either innerText or textContent properties, providing a safer way to update text without the risk of executing scripts.

// Set the text content of an element
document.getElementById("targetElement").innerText = "Your content here";

// or
document.getElementById("targetElement").textContent = "Your content here";

3. createTextNode and appendChild

Create a text node using document.createTextNode and append it to an existing element using appendChild. This is useful for adding plain text content to an element.

// Create a text node
const textNode = document.createTextNode("Your content here");

// Append it to an existing element

4. insertAdjacentHTML

Insert HTML at a specified position within an element using insertAdjacentHTML. This method allows you to place HTML content relative to the existing content in the target element.

// Insert HTML at a specified position
  .insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "Your content here");

5. DocumentFragment

Use document.createDocumentFragment to create an off-document container. Append child elements to the fragment, and then append the entire fragment to an existing element. This reduces the number of DOM manipulations, improving performance.

// Create a document fragment
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();

// Create elements and append them to the fragment
const divElement = document.createElement("div");
divElement.textContent = "Your content here";

// Append the fragment to an existing element

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